Rental Information
Marcoft Hall is ideal for family reunions, graduation parties, wedding festivities, large meetings, etc. The dimensions are 2,650 square feet. The hall supports two bathrooms, kitchen, tables/chairs, heat and air conditioning. Capacity is 120 persons, and WIFI is available. We have plenty of parking as well. Marcroft Hall is available late May-December for current member and non-member rentals. To reserve a date you must send in a completed rental agreement which can be found in the DOCUMENTS section of this site.
Contact Scott Varley 719-331-9262 with any questions regarding rental availability.
Weekday Rental Rates (Monday-Thursday)
Full Day - $150
Weekend Rental Rates
(Friday - Sunday and Holidays)
​Full Day - $300
​Weekend Package Rate - $400
(includes: Friday evening set-up, Saturday event, Sunday morning clean-up)